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Shiva Yoga Peeth, India

Hatha Yoga 200 Hrs 

I am super lucky after living more than 3 years in India I had the opportunity to lived in a Ashram in Rishikesh the nest of Yoga for a month where I experienced how the yogis live, what those their everyday life looks life, what they eat, breath and move. 


I learned so much and I am so excited to share with you either you practice yoga or not there are some habits that can improve your health.



Habitos Mexico

Coach in Habits

I am very Grateful to be part of this community. I learned but not just the theory but also applying the habits and there are some that worked for me other not much, because we all are different, therefore the coaching is personal and individual.

Going thought emotions that were not helping me because I was looking to lose the baby weight, I understood that loosing weight shouldn't be the target but to be healthy in all areas body, mind and soul. (yes, you will lose weight)

I learned about food, emotions, mindfulness and much more.. 


Indore and Bhopal, India

Reiki and Pranac Healing

I took these two certification in India. This was my first approach to understand that we all are cells and these have energy therefore move in different speed and motion.

About Aura, the more conscious, high vibration you are at your area es bigger.

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